Improving your quality of life is my concern.

My primary goal is to relieve your suffering conservatively without surgery. Sometimes, however, when the mechanical damage is too great, this is no longer possible. Then it is necessary to restore the body function with a surgical intervention and thus take away your pain permanently.

Due to the latest methods in arthroscopy, even large damages can be successfully repaired. Because of the minimal intervention, fast and efficient reahbilitation is possible. However, if an open procedure should become necessary, as in the case of joint replacement, modern computer-assisted artificial intelligence methods can be used to produce patient-specific joint replacements and allow a customized procedure to be selected, so that the severity of the intervention is also reduced and early mobilization and activity is possible.

Joint replacement is no longer the end of the line! Through the use of state-of-the-art technologies, your quality of life is massively improved, so that even athletic exertion becomes possible again.

If we are planning to perform surgery on you, it can be done by me at one of the following hospitals:

Vienna Private Clinic; Pelikangasse 15, 1090 Vienna.

Evangelical Hospital Vienna; Hans-Sachs-Gasse 10-12, 1180 Vienna.
(Preanesthesia Outpatient Clinic Tel.: 01/404222820)

Sanatorium Hera, Löblichgasse 14, 1090 Vienna
(Preanesthesia Outpatient Clinic Tel.: 01/3135045481)

Excellent surgical success is not only due to a high level of specialization, but also to a professional team. This I will always provide for you to give you the best possible care.

Prior to the planned procedure, you should have a surgical clearance performed by your primary care physician or your internal medicine specialist.

  • Can be done in hospital in exceptional cases, otherwise
  • Blood sampling (complete blood count, PTT, PTZ, CRP, BG, Na, K, BUN, Crea, Bilirubin, GOT, GPT, Gamma-GT, CHE, TSH)
  • ECG,
  • Lung X-ray
  • Blood group serology with rhesus factor and AK screening test (if not available)

You will be asked to come to the hospital fasting the day before or the day of the surgery, which means not eating or drinking anything after midnight.

If you leave the hospital on the same day of surgery (day-case surgery), you will be asked to arrange for an escort to take you home.

After the operation, the necessary medical aids will be organized for you in the surgery or in the hospital.

If you are unable to keep the surgery appointment or your pain has improved and you are not sure whether to have the surgery or not, contact me as soon as possible.

The postoperative therapy is organized in advance in the office, so that afterwards a smooth and rapid healing process is possible.

Laser treatment of the wound and lymphatic drainage are highly recommended postoperatively to enable rapid wound healing and hematoma healing. Targeted professional physiotherapy is usually indispensable for optimal surgical success.